A Thoughtful and

caring approach to recovery.

With over 30 years dedicated to the specialization of the treatment of neurological injuries in the inpatient, outpatient, and home settings, we continue to believe in the power of Neuroplasticity and the brain’s capacity to continue growing and evolve in response to life experiences. although a stroke or brain injury changes life in an instant, We genuinely believe that our clients can continue to heal with persistence and time.  

Through gentle protocols and consistent commitment, we often fell fortunate to witness recovery and healing by our clients and We are humbled by the privilege of helping our clients navigate the road of recovery to greater health and spirit.

To best facilitate rehabilitation, we use a quiet and distraction free environment. We first consider each individual’s history, current living environment, and support system in our treatment planning. We then customize the plan and sessions in order to meet the needs, goals, and expectations of our clients and we work together with each client to create a home exercise program that will continue the focus and work of treatments in the clinic.

Our treatment encourages normal movement and discourages compensation and the use of only one side of the body. We focus on facilitating movement of the affected side with the ultimate goal of using both sides of the body in daily activity and life. We use a multi level approach to help our clients regain bilateral use of the body with the addition of therapeutic yoga to emphasize core strength, body awareness, balance, and thoughtful movement.  Particular emphasis is on the breath with movement and release of  excessive effort which helps us transition our clients to a daily whole body home exercise practice designed to build bilateral awareness, core strength, and isolated movement.

while considering the effects a stroke, brain injury or any other neurological insult can have on systems of the body including movement, sensation, cognition, perceptual-motor, psychological, and social We focus on treating the whole person. We are also aware of the life changing effects a neurological injury can have on an individual’s roles in relationships, family, at home, school, work, and in the community and work towards the resumption of both personal and vocational roles while taking cognitive, physical, emotional, and psychological changes into consideration.

I’ve been a patient at Neuro- Wellness ever since my stroke six years ago. I am fortunate that I can walk and talk, but unfortunately cannot use my left hand. My treatment at Neuro Wellness, has improved my tight hand and reduced cramping. My research into stroke recovery has convinced me that their program aimed at taking advantage of “neuro- plasticity” is my best hope for full recovery. It’s heartwarming to see patients come in wheelchairs or canes, and over time learn to walk again. Pam and Carrie take a good deal of interest in every patient, and provide individualized treatment and attention
— Male Stroke in early 60's